trading online voucher scheme

In an increasingly digital world, establishing a strong online presence is essential for businesses to thrive. The Trading Online Voucher Scheme, offered by Local Enterprise Offices in Ireland, presents a remarkable opportunity for Irish businesses to embrace the digital revolution and propel their growth. This article delves into the key reasons why Irish businesses should consider utilizing the TOV, and the benefits it can bring.

Embracing the Digital Age:

As technology continues to advance, more and more consumers are turning to the internet to research products and make purchases. By harnessing the Trading Online Voucher Scheme, Irish businesses can unlock the immense potential of the online marketplace. The scheme offers financial assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), allowing them to establish or upgrade their online presence, e-commerce capabilities, and digital marketing strategies.

Enhanced Visibility and Reach:

Having a robust online presence enables businesses to extend their reach far beyond their physical location. With the Trading Online Voucher Scheme, Irish businesses can develop professional websites, engage in targeted digital marketing campaigns, and leverage social media platforms to increase their visibility and attract a wider customer base. This expanded reach opens doors to new markets and opportunities both within Ireland and abroad.

Increased Sales and Revenue:

By embracing the digital realm, businesses can tap into a vast customer pool and boost their sales potential. The Trading Online Voucher Scheme supports businesses in developing effective e-commerce platforms, enabling them to showcase their products or services online, accept online payments, and facilitate seamless transactions. This accessibility and convenience not only attract more customers but also increase the likelihood of repeat business and higher revenue generation.

Competitive Advantage:

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses that fail to adapt to digital trends risk falling behind. The Trading Online Voucher Scheme empowers Irish businesses to stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive edge. By utilizing the scheme’s resources, businesses can leverage cutting-edge technologies, optimize their online presence, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. This positions them as industry leaders and helps them differentiate themselves from competitors.

Valuable Training and Support:

The Trading Online Voucher Scheme doesn’t just provide financial assistance; it also offers invaluable training and support to participants. Local Enterprise Offices provide guidance and expertise in areas such as website development, digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media management. This equips businesses with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the digital landscape effectively and make informed decisions that drive growth.

Steps to Apply for the Trading Online Voucher Scheme:

    1. Eligibility Check: Before applying for the Trading Online Voucher Scheme, ensure that your business meets the eligibility criteria. Generally, the scheme is available to small businesses (less than 10 employees) in Ireland that have been trading for at least six months.
    2. Contact your Local Enterprise Office (LEO): Reach out to your nearest Local Enterprise Office to express your interest in the Trading Online Voucher Scheme. You can find the contact details of your local office on the website of the Local Enterprise Office network.
    3. Attend Information Session: LEOs conduct information sessions to provide detailed insights into the Trading Online Voucher Scheme. Attend one of these sessions to understand the scheme requirements, the application process, and the benefits it offers.
    4. Complete the Application Form: Obtain the application form from your Local Enterprise Office or download it from their website. Fill out the form accurately and provide all the necessary details, including your business information, contact details, and a brief description of your current online presence (if any).
    5. Develop a Digital Marketing Plan: As part of the application process, you’ll need to create a digital marketing plan for your business. This plan outlines your online objectives, target audience, marketing strategies, and desired outcomes. The Local Enterprise Office can provide guidance and templates to assist you in developing your plan.
    6. Submit the Application: Once you have completed the application form and digital marketing plan, submit them to your Local Enterprise Office. Ensure that you have included all the required supporting documents, such as bank statements, tax clearance certificates, and business registration details.
    7. Evaluation and Approval: Your application will be evaluated by the Local Enterprise Office to determine its suitability for the scheme. If approved, you will be notified of the outcome and provided with further instructions on how to proceed.
    8. Grant Award and Payment: Once you have engaged an approved service provider, the Trading Online Voucher grant will be awarded to your business. The grant covers up to 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant value of €2,500. Payments are typically made directly to the service provider upon completion of the project.
    9. Implementation and Reporting: Work closely with your chosen service provider to implement the agreed-upon digital marketing plan. It is essential to maintain regular communication with your Local Enterprise Office throughout the process and provide any necessary progress reports or documentation.

By following these steps, you can successfully apply for the Trading Online Voucher Scheme and embark on your journey towards establishing a strong and successful online presence for your Irish business.

Here at the Irish Media Agency we have worked with many clients for the trading online voucher scheme and brought them online. If you have any queries on the Trading Online Voucher Scheme we would love to hear from you. Simply give us a call or just fill out our contact form and we will get right back to you.